Make an Anonymous Real Estate Complaint

a man in a white shirt at his computer desk making a call on his mobile phone

You may wish to submit an anonymous tip to BCFSA if you are concerned about a licensee’s conduct or unlicensed real estate activity, and you do not wish to be identified in the process.

Please note that, because of the nature of anonymous tips, BCFSA will not follow up on the complaint and will not obtain more information or evidence from the person making the complaint. 

Once you submit an anonymous tip, you will not hear from BCFSA on the status of your tip. If you would like to be more involved in the process or kept aware of the status of your complaint, we recommend filing a complaint with BCFSA instead.

  • Every tip should include a minimum of:

    • The nature of the wrongdoing;
    • The date and location of the incident; and
    • The name of the person alleged to have committed the wrongdoing.
  • Please also include as much relevant information as possible, such as:

    • A chronological description of events;
    • A copy of the applicable contracts (listing, purchase, service agreement, etc.);
    • A copy of any other records; and
    • Names of individuals who may have relevant information, documents, or records.

Because these tips are anonymous, BCFSA will not follow up with you or provide updates on your complaint.  

If you would like to be kept aware of the status of a complaint, consider filing a complaint with BCFSA instead.

What Information Will be Shared in an Anonymous Tip?

In order to conduct an investigation, BCFSA may share information related to the anonymous tip, or reach out to third parties:

  • We may share some or all of the information and copies of documents received from you and any other person with the person who is the subject of the anonymous tip;
  • We may talk to any third parties to seek relevant information concerning the matters raised by your tip;
  • Our records are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and as a result, information gathered may be disclosed, on request, to other persons whose interests are affected; and
  • Our records may be disclosed as required by the courts.

Before you submit a tip, consider carefully whether any of these factors may result in your identity becoming known to parties involved in the matter.

Learn more about BCFSA's complaints procedures
  • Submit Online

    The link below will take you to our anonymous online tip submission form.

    Make an anonymous tip (will open in a new tab)
  • Submit by Phone

    Our dedicated toll-free phone line is available for anonymous tips.

    Please leave a detailed message at (833) 404-0647.