Complaints Process

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BCFSA’s goal is to make sure that all administrative, regulatory, and discipline processes related to professional conduct are handled in a consistent and fair manner.

When you file a complaint about a real estate licensee, or about unlicensed activity, BCFSA will take the following steps:

The Complaints Process

  1. BCFSA will review the complaint and acknowledge that it has been received. 
  2. Once BCFSA has determined that it has the authority to address the matter and that enough evidence has been provided to support further investigation, the complainant may be contacted by an investigator and asked to provide more information. 

    Complaints that lack sufficient evidence or complaints that fall outside of BCFSA’s authority may be closed. The complainant will be advised that the file is closed and that no further action will be taken by BCFSA. Given the nature of how the complaint was communicated to BCFSA, an anonymous complainant will not be notified that the file is closed and that no further action will be taken by BCFSA.
  3. The Investigators will notify the subject of the complaint and may provide supporting documentation to them regarding the complaint.   
  4. If it is determined that there has been professional misconduct, BCFSA can take either informal or formal action to protect the public and deter future misconduct. Learn more about possible outcomes of investigations.
  5. If there is a formal hearing related to the complaint, the complainant may be asked to attend the hearing as a witness. All witnesses, including complainants may be examined or cross-examined. BCFSA will have a lawyer in attendance at a formal hearing, but if a complainant wishes, they can also choose to be represented by a lawyer at the hearing.  
  6. Once the complaint is resolved, a complainant will be advised of the outcome of their complaint. Given the nature of how the complaint was communicated to BCFSA, an anonymous complainant will not be notified of the outcome of their complaint.
View our Complaints Process Infographic (will open in a new tab)

If a Complainant is not Satisfied with the Resolution of a Complaint

A complainant cannot appeal a decision by BCFSA. If a complaint is closed administratively because not enough evidence was available to support further investigation, a complainant can resubmit their complaint if they are able to obtain more evidence.

If a complainant is not satisfied by BCFSA’s decision, they may wish to seek legal advice to determine if they would like to pursue a review of the decision under the Judicial Review Procedure Act.

BCFSA cannot provide legal advice or assistance with an application to review a decision under the Judicial Review Procedure Act.

A consumer who believes that BCFSA’s investigation or discipline process has not dealt fairly with their complaint may contact the Office of the Ombudsperson:

Phone:1 (800) 567-3247
947 Fort Street, PO Box 9039 Stn Prov Govt,
Victoria, BC V8W 9A5

[email protected]