Trust Fee Schedule

a man signs a cheque

Every B.C. incorporated trust company and extraprovincial trust corporation authorized in B.C. is required to pay an annual fee for the upcoming fiscal year. The deadline for payment of the annual fee is 90 days after the latest fiscal year end. This annual fee is calculated using the table prescribed under Schedule 1, Item 11 of the Financial Institutions Fees Regulation (“Fees Regulation”).
The Annual Fee Schedule (below) sets out the method for calculating the annual fee. Please pay the annual fee through the IRIS Portal. The Portal will calculate the annual fee based on the total non-consolidated assets, as reported on the financial statements for the latest fiscal year end.

Payment can be made by credit card (for fees up to $6,000), Electronic Fund Transfer (“EFT”), wire transfer, or cheque. Be sure to indicate the method of payment and complete the required fields in the IRIS Portal. Refer to detailed instructions for using the IRIS Portal for payments. The payment must be received before the deadline. When BC Financial Services Authority (“BCFSA”) receives full payment, a payment receipt will be sent by email.

Annual Fee Schedule for B.C. Incorporated Trust Companies and Extraprovincial Trust Corporations Authorized in B.C.

Schedule 1, Item 11 of the Fees Regulation requires B.C. incorporated trust companies and extraprovincial trust corporations authorized to carry on trust business in the province of British Columbia to pay BCFSA an annual fee. Please use the IRIS Portal to calculate and pay the annual fee.

Before using IRIS for annual fees:

  • B.C. incorporated trust companies must submit the Annual Financial and Capital Return in IRIS;
  • Extraprovincial trust corporations authorized in B.C. must submit the Extraprovincial Trust Annual Return.

The annual fee is calculated in accordance with Schedule 1, Item 11 of the Fees Regulation, as summarized in the table below. 

Trust Annual Fee Schedule

Fiscal Year End Total Non-Consolidated AssetsAnnual Fee (effective for fiscal year beginning September 1, 2024 — August 31, 2025)Annual Fee (effective for fiscal year beginning on or after September 1, 2025)
Assets $5 million or less $2,500$5,000
+ % of assets greater than $5 million to $50 million 0.0100% 0.0100%
+ % of assets greater than $50 million to $100 million 0.0050% 0.0050%
+ % of assets greater than $100 million to $500 million 0.0025% 0.0025%
+ % of assets greater than $500 million to $1 billion 0.0010% 0.0010%
+ % of assets greater than $1 billion to $5 billion 0.0005% 0.0005%
+ % of assets greater than $5 billion 0.0001% 0.0001%
For fiscal years beginning September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025, the base fee is $2,500. For fiscal years years beginning on or after September 1, 2025, the base fee will be $5,000.

Annual Fee Schedule for B.C. Incorporated Trust Companies — applicable for fiscal years ending before September 1, 2024

+ 0.013% of assets less than or equal to $25 million
+ 0.0100% of assets between $25 and $250 million
+ 0.0080% of assets greater than $250 million

Annual Fee Schedule for Extraprovincial Trust Corporations — applicable for fiscal years ending before September 1, 2024

Fiscal Year End Total Non-Consolidated AssetsAnnual Fee Amount
$5 million or less$1,500
Greater than $5 million to $50 million$3,000
Greater than $50 million to $100 million$4,000
Greater than $100 million to $500 million$5,000
Greater than $500 million to $1 billion $6,000
Greater than $1 billion to $5 billion $8,000
Greater than $5 billion $10,000 plus $1,000 per each $1 billion over $5 billion