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Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate
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This course was mandatory for all real estate professionals once during the licensing cycle of April 1, 2020 and Marchi 31 2022. Professionals who took the course between January 1, 2020 and March 31, 2020 may use this to renew their licence in the above mentioned period.
The completion of this course is no longer mandatory for the purposes of relicensing but may be required by BCFSA as part of licence requalification, licensee discipline or for those who would like a refresher.
Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate
BCFSA’s Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate course is designed to give you the tools and knowledge you need to help prevent illicit funds from entering our real estate markets. By staying current and informed on anti-money laundering requirements and best practices, you can ensure that consumers are well-protected, and that the public can have confidence in B.C.’s real estate industry.
Cost: $100
Register Now (will open in a new tab)
Course Overview
Who Must Take the Course
All licensed real estate professionals are required to complete the Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate course only once for relicensing purposes. Please note that there is only one version of this course and the course does not need to be taken again for subsequent licensing cycles, however it remains available for instances where BCFSA requires a licensee to complete the course, and/or a licensee wishes to take it again for a refresher.
Whether you are a representative, an associate broker or a managing broker and whether you provide trading services, rental property management services or strata management services, you’ll learn valuable information about preventing money laundering in this new course.
What You Will Learn
This self-paced online course gives you the information you need to understand why real estate is attractive to money launderers, how to identify red flags for money laundering, and the steps to take to report suspicious transactions.
Most importantly, you’ll learn how to incorporate that knowledge into real actions that you can practice in your business. As a real estate professional, you are uniquely positioned to identify and report suspicious transactions because of your close working relationship with clients.
Course Length
Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate is an online course that can be completed at your own pace within one year of registration. In most cases, it is estimated the course will require a total of 3-5 hours to complete.
Course Details
Developed in collaboration with anti-money laundering experts, the course is available through the Real Estate Division at UBC. It is a mandatory continuing education course for all licensed real estate professionals in BC. We thank FINTRAC for their support in this project.
Module 1 | Introduction and Money Laundering Basics |
Module 2 | Background on the Anti-Money Laundering Regime |
Module 3 | Real Estate and Money Laundering |
Module 4 | Overview of Compliance Obligations |
Module 5 | Suspicious Transactions |
Module 6 | Emerging Issues |
The course includes videos and knowledge check questions within each module. You will have one year from the date of registration to complete the course. You must complete all course modules AND obtain a passing grade of at least 70% on the final assessment. Once you have passed the final assessment, you will receive a course completion letter.
Registration Details
Register Now (will open in a new tab)- Registration for Anti-Money Laundering in Real Estate is online through the UBC Sauder School of Business website.
Have your licence number and UBC Real Estate Division student ID number (if you have one) ready when you register for the course. Find your licence number using our Find a Professional search page.
Once your registration has been processed, you will receive a confirmation email from the UBC Sauder School of Business with details for accessing the online course.
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