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Find a Professional
Welcome to BCFSA’s new Find a Real Estate Professional search. The search function has recently been updated to improve search results and make it easier to use. If you have any feedback, please email [email protected].
Please note: there is a 5-10 day processing time for all non-deficient applications (excluding transfers). Please do not follow up on these applications until the 10 day period has lapsed. If an application is deficient, our Licensing Team will contact you for further information.
Use our online register to find information about real estate professionals and brokerages, including contact details, licence category and level, any licence conditions or restrictions, and any recent discipline history.
Find a Professional Searches
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Search results will include names of all team members.
Search by Licence Number
General Disclaimer
BCFSA provides this information as a public service. All search results are current as of the time of the search. Please note that this information shows only the current licence period for an individual/brokerage — it does not display the entire licensing history. This is an unofficial search.
If you require an official search or clarification, contact BCFSA at (604) 660-3555 or toll-free (866) 206-3030 or email [email protected].
Licence Conditions
The Superintendent of Real Estate may place conditions or restrictions on a licence for a variety of reasons. All new trading services licensees are required to complete an applied practice course within six months of receiving their licence, and until all course requirements are fulfilled this condition will appear on the licence. Other licence conditions may be imposed by the Superintendent as a result of a discipline decision or qualification hearing or, with the consent of the licensee, pending legal matters, or as consumer risk management tools. BCFSA does not publish information about a licensee that would be considered an unreasonable invasion of their privacy, and redacts third-party information.
If you are a consumer and you have questions about a licence condition you read on this site, we recommend that you ask the licensee for more information about the circumstances that led to the condition being placed on the licence. If you have questions about a condition relating to a licensee’s pending legal proceeding(s), please refer to B.C.’s electronic court registry, Court Services Online.