Activating An Old Licence

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Individuals who have previously held a real estate licence in B.C. and wish to relicense need to determine whether or not they are qualified for licensing by emailing BCFSA at [email protected] requesting information about how to relicense. Please include your full legal name (as previously licensed) and your date of birth.

Upon receipt of your email, BCFSA will provide you with information regarding your education requalification date and instructions on how to relicense. Due to the number of requests BCFSA receives it may take up to 10 business days to respond to your request.

Individuals within their requalification date will be notified of this and will be permitted to relicence. Individuals who have gone past their requalification date are required to rewrite the appropriate licensing examination and will be provided with the information, costs, and forms necessary to do so. Find out more about BCFSA’s requalification policy.

If you were exempted from a licensing course based on prior education and this education is still valid, you will be advised accordingly

The UBC Sauder School of Business, Real Estate Division has regularly scheduled exam dates at various times throughout the year. Individuals may also rewrite their examination at the UBC Computer Examination Centre in Vancouver.


You can expect to incur costs for the following:

Relicensing applicants and those unlicensed for more than 90 days must obtain a criminal record check along with their licence application.