Insurance Regulatory Statements

a man signs a document with a fountain pen

Regulatory Statements provide details on how entities (including non-regulated entities in some cases) must comply with legislative requirements. While both Rules and Regulatory Statements legally require compliance, Regulatory Statements are used by BCFSA to provide further details/direction related to an established requirement (e.g. form and content of a submission to BCFSA, including applications and reports).

Showing 101 - 110 of 173 results
Use of Deposit Agents (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Use of Deposit Agents'

Guideline for Converting Plans from Defined Benefit to Targeted Benefit (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Guideline for Converting Plans from Defined Benefit to Targeted Benefit'

Name Requests by Non-Financial Institutions (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Name Requests by Non-Financial Institutions'

Equities in a Target Benefit Provision (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Equities in a Target Benefit Provision'

Prohibited Mortgage Broker Fees (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Prohibited Mortgage Broker Fees'

Creditor’s Group Insurance (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Creditor’s Group Insurance'

Submission of Amendments to a Plan Text Document (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Submission of Amendments to a Plan Text Document'

Filing of Reports and Returns (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Filing of Reports and Returns'

Administrative Information and Checklists (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Administrative Information and Checklists'

Advisory Regarding Changes to the Board and Senior Management (will open in a new tab)

Tags for 'Advisory Regarding Changes to the Board and Senior Management'