2024 Real Estate Brokerage Data Call Requirements Regulatory Statement

Regulatory Statements
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    TITLE: ​​2024 Real Estate Brokerage Data Call Requirements​

    LEGISLATION: Real Estate Services Act (“RESA”)

    DATE: January 10, 2024 (updated)

    DISTRIBUTION: ​​Managing Brokers, Associate Brokers, and Brokerages Providing Trading Services​


This Regulatory Statement establishes the form and content for BC Financial Services Authority’s 2024 Real Estate Brokerage Data Call.

Background Information

Through the 2024 Real Estate Brokerage Data Call, BCFSA is collecting data from B.C. brokerages to gather information about the residential real estate market. This Data Call builds on the February 2022 and 2023 Data Calls and will help inform potential future measures by BCFSA in relation to market-driven risks consumers may be facing within B.C.’s real estate market.

Section 93.1 of the Real Estate Services Rules requires licensees to provide to the Superintendent of Real Estate information maintained in licensees’ records, in accordance with any requirements specified by the Superintendent.


This Data Call applies to all trading services brokerages representing sellers (i.e., listing brokerages) in residential real estate sales with firm contract dates between February 18, 2024 to March 16, 2024, inclusive. BCFSA will release the final data workbook and additional instructions in January. Brokerage submissions are due on or before March 31, 2024, and must be submitted via the IRIS portal.

Brokerages’ participation in this Data Call will be mandatory and non-compliance may be subject to an administrative penalty or other enforcement action. If a brokerage does not have any relevant information to provide, it must make a submission reporting no transactions.

The specific information which brokerages are required to report is listed below:

Data Requested Description Purpose
Brokerage Licence Number The licence number of the brokerage or the branch office who listed the subject property Identifier
Property address The address of the listed property, including Parcel ID.Geographic tag — allows for regional/sub-regional analysis and linkage to BC Assessment Data
Local real estate board or association where the property is located The name of the local real estate board where the subject property is located Geographic tag — allows for regional analysis
Date of listing agreement Effective date on the MLS listing contract To obtain metrics on market conditions
List price on date of offer acceptance The list price of the subject property on the date of offer acceptance To obtain metrics on market prices
Date of offer acceptance The date on which the seller accepted the offer To obtain metrics on market conditions
Firm contract date The date on which the contract of purchase and sale became firm To obtain metrics on contract conditions and buyer due diligence
Sale price The final sale price of the property To obtain metrics on market prices
Unconditional offer Information on whether the accepted offer was unconditional To obtain metrics on contract conditions and buyer due diligence
Home inspection condition Information on whether the accepted offer included a condition precedent for a home inspection To obtain metrics on contract conditions and buyer due diligence
Financing condition Information on whether the accepted offer included a condition precedent for confirmation of financing To obtain metrics on contract conditions and buyer due diligence
Insurance condition Information on whether the accepted offer included a condition precedent for confirmation of insurance To obtain metrics on contract conditions and buyer due diligence
Other conditions Information on whether the accepted offer included any conditions precedent other than a home inspection, financing, and insurance To obtain metrics on contract conditions and buyer due diligence
PDS incorporated into final contract Information on whether a Property Disclosure Statement (“PDS”) was completed (not struck out) and incorporated into the final contract To obtain metrics on contract conditions and buyer due diligence
Total number of offers received The total number of offers received on the subject property To obtain metrics on market conditions
Price of highest not-accepted offer The price of the highest offer that the seller did not accept To obtain metrics on market conditions

Additional Information

The final data workbook and additional data call instructions will be released in January.

For more information on this Data Call, please see the resources below: